Dienstag, 29. Dezember 2009

3D Engine Decision

After a few hours of comparing the different 3D engines for Java i decided to use the JMonkeyEngine (http://jmonkeyengine.com) for Reflectors Border.

Stay Tuned

Second Step

The next step i am going to do is an exact plan of the program. At the moment i compare different 3D Engines for Java. Furthermore I try to get an idea of what classes, packages and different apps the game will consist of. I hope to have a small idea with the beginning of 2010 ;)

Sonntag, 27. Dezember 2009

First Idea

Here is my first idea of what the game could consist. I send it to two friends of mine to look over it and give me some hints.

Intoduce myself

Hey Guys, first of all i want to introduce myself. My name is Kai Dölger. I'm a german student and currently try to learn how computer games work and programm one by myself.